Would you like to feel happier? Consider a gratitude practice!
With Thanksgiving coming up this month, it seems like everyone is talking about gratitude! The truth is we should make gratitude part of our everyday routine to see the most benefits.
Positive psychology researchers report that gratitude is strongly and consistently associated with greater happiness. This is kind of a big deal. Focus on what is good and you will be happier… sounds pretty simple right? It is!
I have seen this play out in my life over and over. The times when I am feeling most grateful are the times when I am feeling most content and most happy.
The trick is that you do not wait to feel gratitude until you are happy, but rather you feel gratitude FIRST and THEN you will be happy. Seems a little backward, I know, but I promise this can make a change for you. Don’t believe me? Google gratitude research and spend some time reading about the researched benefits :)
Here are some simple ways to incorporate gratitude everyday.
Write a thank you note to someone.
Keep a gratitude journal to write down grateful thoughts and feelings everyday.
Reflect on your blessings every week (pick a consistent day/time, I like Sunday)
If you found this helpful, please let me know! I would love to hear your experience.
With Gratitude,
Dr. Cathy